Privacy is our focus

We understand that we are handling information you don't want available to the general public.

We employ numerous business standard practices in protecting your information.

User login information is encrypted and our servers employ business grade security practices. We consider most of the content placed in our system should be non-critical in that this system is intended as a general home and small business duty "shopping List" manager. It is not intended to store any private information users would consider "sensitive".

In laymans terms we mean, your password login is secured, do not store other personal information like passwords to other accounts or bank account or ssn information. Listr8r should know you want to buy oranges but not your bank account login information or other payment information. Listr8r doesn't require a phsyical address, phone # or other address sensitive information.Don't share your login info except with people whom you intend to share list information with.

As listr8r is being offered currently as a free service without an established revenue program we employ industry grade practices to secure information shared with our servers.

Listr8r takes email privacy seriously. We do not share email address information with third parties. Currently we do not employ any email related marketing or direct communication. At a point in the future we may send email notices to users. These could be a notice about items on your list (such as a local sale on an item you already want) or update notices etc. These may partner with other businesses however our branding will be apparent and all such communications will come through listr8r. Your email addresses will not be provided directly for the use of third parties.

Listr8r staff does not scout through user data in search of specific purchases being made. Review of user data by staff may be required at times but will be handled professionally and only for the purposes of technically maintaining and enhancing functions of the listr8r system. By design the system isolates data in such a manner. No attempts will be made to connect shopping list content to individuals known or unknown. Listr8r respects your privacy and works as a steward with any information you add to the system.

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